Year 3 is taught by Mrs Cerexhe. Miss Simpson  and  Mrs Scott  work with us each morning and Mrs Flett supports us in the afternoons.


Our aim is to have lots of fun while accessing a broad and rich curriculum.

Homework is set on a Friday and should be handed in by the following Wednesday.

PE is on a Monday and we ask that children arrive at school in their kit. Black shorts/jogging bottoms with a black hoodless sweater  and a white t shirt.  We will be outside wherever possible so please dress accordingly. 

Our topic this term is ‘Emperors and Empires’ where the children learn about the history and structure of ancient Rome and the Roman Empire, including a detailed exploration of the Romanisation of Britain. 


I will endeavour to add photos as we go through the year, but don’t forget to check our class story on class dojo for regular updates. 

Super Self Portraits

'Through the Ages' topic launch

As part of our topic launch we spenmt time in our forest school. We had to use natural materials to create a pices of art. We found and used: berries, mud, sticks and flowers. When we returned to class we had a look at evidence of cave art which has been found all over the world! 

Prehistoric Pots

In art we explored Bell Beaker pottery. Together, we looked at different clay techniques, which we have used to make and decorate Bell Beaker-style pots.

Why do we have joints?

We started our Science lesson with the question- ‘Why do we have lots of smaller bones in our body rather than single, long bones?’ The children then carried out simple investigations before  sharing  their experiences, observations and answers, and related their learning to real-life examples of the need for joints for humans and other animals.


 We started our computing journey by comparing digital and non-digital devices. The children had to draw a picture of a garden and then create the same picture on their tablet. It was 50/50 when we had a vote on which we preferred at the end. 

Road Safety

We had some very important visitors in school who spoke to us about road safety. We got lots of extra top tips on how we can stay safe by the roads. They were very impressed with our answers and what we knew already. 

The most wonderful time of the year!

Rocks, Relics and Rumbles at Rotunda

At Rotunda, we met a palaeontologist who explained the importance of fossils and how much they teach us about the past.

We used microscopes and magnifying glasses to explore details and then used clues from the past to find the longest survivor! 

Woodend Gallery and Studio

We used fossils as our inspiration to create a printing tile at Woodend gallery. Using only natural materials, we created patterns on a large tile and then used ink  to print it onto  fabric.

Our finished products are going to be displayed in a real art gallery! 

We will inform families and friends as soon as we know the location. 

World Book Day

Do you recognise us from any of your favourite stories?