Christmas and other Services at All Saints Church, Hunmanby
We have our Christmas Service at our wonderful local church every year and manage to fill it with our Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children. We invite parents and extended families and the children perform festive songs and hymns. We have children who read from the lecturn to the 200+ people. We also visit for Harvest Festival, where we always have a big collection of food stuffs for The Rainbow Centre in Scarborough. We also visit for an Easter celebration.
Macmillan Coffee Mornings
Every year we run a Macmillan Coffee morning in school. The children in Year 1 and Year 2 bake cakes and collect many donations from the local community to raise a lot of money for this worthy cause.

Performances to the Wider Community
Each year we have an EYFS Nativity, a Key Stage 1 Christmas Performance and a Summer Key Stage 2 Performance. We put on an afternoon and evening performance, which is always packed with parents, grandparents and friends. Our children always raise the roof!

Local Emergency Services
Our children have many opportunities to work with our local emergency services such as the Police, the Fire Service, and Coastguard. As well as our Year 6 learning important messages and life-skills with Crucial Crew.

Raising Money for Charity
Throughout our year, we are involved in raising money for charity. These can be local, national or international causes. We involve all of our children, introduce charities in assemblies and then campaign our local community for their support, which is unfailingly generous. We raise money for the NSPCC, Children In Need, Macmillan and The Poppy Appeal to mention a few.

STEM Fairs
Our older children attend STEM Fairs to reinforce important links to what we study in school with real world job opportunities in STEM. This is very important at Hunmanby Primary because we want our children to safely enjoy the variety of Computing, Science, technology and maths activities, to prepare them for jobs that might not have been invented yet.

Our re-wilding project involved the children with investigations about local flowers and grasses, to see which should grow well if given the chance. We are lucky that we have allotments, a polytunnel, wildlife area with pond and Forest School area, but the children recognise that school grounds can still be a bit of a ‘green desert’.
The children raised awareness in the community by being interviewed on a number of occasions by BBC Radio York, visiting and persuading local garden centres to donate plants and materials, and raising money by busking outside the school gates for a week (in all weathers!).
Filey Lions 60th Birthday Celebrations
School has close links with Filey Lions and they support us with books for the Library, minibus for transport and a wonderful Christmas tree each year to name a few things. We are helping to celebrate their 60th birthday by working closely with them, to support the local and global community links.