Mrs Habberley will be teaching the Year 2 children this year. The children will have Mr Tanner on a Thursday.
Mrs Habberley
Mrs Scott
Mr Tanner
During the Spring Term our topic will be Magnificent Monarchs. We will learn all about significant Kings and Queens from history including Henry VIII and Queen Victoria. Mr Tanner will teach the children on a Thursday and I will teach the children the rest of the week. Please see the class newsletter section of the website for our latest newsletter.
Our PE days are MONDAY and THURSDAY. Children should have appropriate PE kit for the weather. If your child has pierced ears please send them with some tape to cover them or take out their earrings. The children will begin swimming in February.
Children should be reading their books at least three times a week, please support them with this. In order to help them become more fluent it is essential that they read aloud and are encouraged to use punctuation and expression.
Homework will be given out on Fridays and will include spellings for a test on the following Friday and a small piece of Maths work, due in on Thursday.