Welcome to the year 4 class page! We are taught by Mrs Cerexhe  and our teaching assistant is Mrs Adams. On a Tuesday afternoon, Mrs Collier-Woods teaches French, Music and RE. 

Our aim is to have lots of fun while accessing a broad and rich curriculum.

Homework is set on a Friday and should be handed in by the following Wednesday.

PE is on a Wednesday and Friday and kits should be left in school.  Black shorts/jogging bottoms with a black hoodless sweater  and a white t shirt.  We will be outside wherever possible so please dress accordingly. 

Our topic this term is ‘Misty Mountains, Winding Rivers’ where the children learn aboutthe characteristics and features of rivers and mountain ranges around the world, including a detailed exploration of the ecosystems and processes that shape them and the land around them.  

I will endeavour to add photos as we go through the year, but don’t forget to check our class story on class dojo for regular updates. 

Mrs Cerexhe

Mrs Adams

Year 4 class of 2024